Formed in 1992, the Trust was granted approval by the Maine Bureau of Insurance. It was formed to give members the resources to manage increasing workers’ compensation costs. Focusing only on Maine hospitality and retail businesses, the program provides a quality workers’ compensation program, guided by strict safety requirements, high level loss control and aggressive claims management.
Trust members receive industry specific support with a common goal to manage workers’ compensation costs. Management of the program is provided by FutureComp, a third-party administrator, with extensive experience with self-insured groups in New England.
As required by Maine Regulations, members of the group are required to enter into a Declaration of Trust and an Indemnity Agreement before being able to participate in the program. The documents outline the purpose of the Trust, eligibility, and participation criteria as well as funding requirements and joint and several liability clauses.
Financial criteria, class code rates, and dividends are reviewed by an actuary and Bureau of Insurance annually.
State workers’ compensation assessments are included in member annual premium rather than billed separately.
Merit Credit/Debit Plan available to qualified members.
$5.7 million in dividends has been distributed back to members since inception.